DocumentationEcosystemBasic LLM Prompt

LLM Basic Prompt Example

The following is a prompt that we use to help LLMs, like GPT and Claude, write Squiggle code. This would ideally be provided with the full documentation, for example with this document.

You can read this document in plaintext here.

Write Squiggle code, using the attached documentation for how it works.

Squiggle is a very simple language. Don’t try using language primitives/constructs you don’t see below, or that aren’t in our documentation. They are likely to fail.

When writing Squiggle code, it’s important to avoid certain common mistakes.

Syntax and Structure

  1. Variable Expansion: Not supported. Don’t use syntax like |v…| or |…v|.
  2. All pipes are ”->”, not ”|>”.
  3. Dict keys and variable names must be lowercase.
  4. The last value in a block/function is returned (no “return” keyword).
  5. Variable declaration: Directly assign values to variables without using keywords. For example, use foo = 3 instead of let foo = 3.
  6. All statements in your model, besides the last one must either be comments or variable declarations. You can’t do, 4 \n 5 \n 6 Similarly, you can’t do, Calculator() ... Table() - instead, you need to set everything but the last item to a variable.
  7. There’s no mod operator (%). Use Number.mod() instead.

Function Definitions and Use

  1. Anonymous Functions: Use {|e| e} syntax for anonymous functions.
  2. Function Parameters: When using functions like normal, specify the standard deviation with stdev instead of sd. For example, use normal({mean: 0.3, stdev: 0.1}) instead of normal({mean: 0.3, sd: 0.1}).
  3. There’s no recursion.
  4. You can’t call functions that accept ranges, with distributions. No, ({|foo: [1,20]| foo}) (4 to 5).

Data Types and Input Handling

  1. Input Types: Use Input.text for numeric inputs instead of Input.number or Input.slider.
  2. The only function param types you can provide are numeric/date ranges, for numbers. f(n:[1,10]). Nothing else is valid. You cannot provide regular input type declarations.
  3. Only use Inputs directly inside calculators. They won’t return numbers, just input types.

Looping, Conditionals, and Data Operations

  1. Conditional Statements: There are no case or switch statements. Use if/else for conditional logic.
  2. There aren’t for loops or mutation. Use immutable code, and / List.reduce / List.reduceWhile.

List and Dictionary Operations

  1. You can’t do “(0..years)”. Use List.make or List.upTo.
  2. There’s no “List.sort”, but there is “List.sortBy”, “Number.sort”.

Randomness and Distribution Handling

  1. There’s no random() function. Use alternatives like sample(uniform(0,1)).
  2. The to syntax only works for >0 values. “4 to 10”, not “0 to 10”.

Units and Scales

  1. The only “units” are k/m/n/M/t/B, for different orders of magnitude, and ”%” for percentage (which is equal to 0.01).

Documentation and Comments

  1. Tags like @name and @doc apply to the following variable, not the full file.
  2. If you use a domain for Years, try to use the Date domain, and pass in Date objects, like Date(2022) instead of 2022.


Here’s are some simple example Squiggle programs:

//Model for Piano Tuners in New York Over Time
@name("🌆 Population of New York in 2022")
@doc("I'm really not sure here, this is a quick guess.")
populationOfNewYork2022 = 8.1M to 8.4M
@name("🎹 Percentage of Population with Pianos")
proportionOfPopulationWithPianos = 0.2% to 1%
@name("🔧 Number of Piano Tuners per Piano")
pianoTunersPerPiano = {
  pianosPerPianoTuner = 2k to 50k
  1 / pianosPerPianoTuner
//We only mean to make an estimate for the next 10 years.
domain = [Date(2024), Date(2034)]
@name("Population at Time")
populationAtTime(t: domain) = {
  dateDiff = Duration.toYears(t - Date(2024))
  averageYearlyPercentageChange = normal({ p5: -1%, p95: 5% }) // We're expecting NYC to continuously grow with an mean of roughly between -1% and +4% per year
  populationOfNewYork2022 * (averageYearlyPercentageChange + 1) ^ dateDiff
@name("Total Tuners, at Time")
totalTunersAtTime(t: domain) = populationAtTime(t) *
  proportionOfPopulationWithPianos *
meanTunersAtTime(t: domain) = mean(totalTunersAtTime(t))
calculator = Calculator(
  {|a, b, c, d| [a, b, c, d]},
    title: "Concat()",
    description: "This function takes in 4 arguments, then displays them",
    sampleCount: 10000,
    inputs: [
          name: "First Param",
          default: "10 to 13",
          description: "Must be a number or distribution",
          name: "Second Param",
          default: "[4,5,2,3,4,5,3,3,2,2,2,3,3,4,45,5,5,2,1]",
          name: "Third Param",
          default: "Option 1",
          options: ["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"],
      Input.checkbox({ name: "Fourth Param", default: false }),
// Cost-benefit analysis for a housing addition in berkeley
// Input section
@name("Model Inputs")
@doc("Key parameters for the housing development project")
inputs = {
  landCost: 1M to 2M,
  constructionCost: 500k to 800k,
  permitFees: 50k to 100k,
  numberOfHomes: 10,
  monthlyRentalIncome: 3k to 5k,
  annualPropertyAppreciation: 2% to 5%,
  annualSocialBenefit: 10k to 30k,
  yearsToConsider: 30,
// Calculation section
@doc("Core calculations for the cost-benefit analysis")
calculations(i) = {
  totalCostPerHome = i.landCost + i.constructionCost + i.permitFees
  annualRentalIncome = i.numberOfHomes * i.monthlyRentalIncome * 12
  totalCost = i.numberOfHomes * totalCostPerHome
  annualAppreciation(year) = i.numberOfHomes * totalCostPerHome *
    ((1 + i.annualPropertyAppreciation) ^ year -
      (1 + i.annualPropertyAppreciation) ^ (year - 1))
  annualBenefit(year) = annualRentalIncome + annualAppreciation(year) +
    i.numberOfHomes * i.annualSocialBenefit
  totalBenefit = List.upTo(1, i.yearsToConsider) ->
    -> List.reduce(
      {|acc, val| acc + val}
  netBenefit = totalBenefit - totalCost
  probPositiveNetBenefit = 1 - cdf(netBenefit, 0)
    totalCostPerHome: totalCostPerHome,
    annualRentalIncome: annualRentalIncome,
    totalCost: totalCost,
    totalBenefit: totalBenefit,
    netBenefit: netBenefit,
    probPositiveNetBenefit: probPositiveNetBenefit,
// Apply calculations to inputs
@doc("Output of calculations based on input parameters")
results = calculations(inputs)
// Analysis section
@name("Cost-Benefit Analysis")
@doc("Detailed analysis of the housing development project")
analysis = {
  costsTable = Table.make(
      { name: "Land Cost per Home", value: inputs.landCost },
      { name: "Construction Cost per Home", value: inputs.constructionCost },
      { name: "Permit Fees per Home", value: inputs.permitFees },
      { name: "Total Cost per Home", value: results.totalCostPerHome },
      { name: "Total Cost for 10 Homes", value: results.totalCost },
      columns: [
        { name: "Item", fn: {|r|} },
          name: "Cost",
          fn: {
                xScale: Scale.log({ tickFormat: "($.1s", min: 20k, max: 200M }),
  benefitTable = Table.make(
        name: "Monthly Rental Income per Home",
        value: inputs.monthlyRentalIncome,
        name: "Annual Social Benefit per Home",
        value: inputs.annualSocialBenefit,
      { name: "Total Benefit over 30 years", value: results.totalBenefit },
      columns: [
        { name: "Item", fn: {|r|} },
          name: "Value",
          fn: {
              { xScale: Scale.linear({ tickFormat: "($.1s" }) }
  netBenefitPlot = Plot.dist(
      title: "Distribution of Net Benefit",
      xScale: Scale.log({ tickFormat: "($.1s", min: 10M, max: 200M }),
    title: "Cost-Benefit Analysis: Adding 10 Homes to Berkeley, CA",
    costs: costsTable,
    benefits: benefitTable,
    netBenefit: netBenefitPlot,
    probabilityOfPositiveNetBenefit: results.probPositiveNetBenefit,
x = 10
result = if x == 1 then {
  {y: 2, z: 0}
} else {
  {y: 0, z: 4}
y = result.y
z = result.z
@showAs({|f| Plot.numericFn(f, { xScale: Scale.log({ min: 1, max: 100 }) })})
fn(t) = t ^ 2
plot = {|t| normal(t, 2) * normal(5, 3)}
  -> Plot.distFn(
      title: "A Function of Value over Time",
      xScale: Scale.log({ min: 3, max: 100, title: "Time (years)" }),
      yScale: Scale.linear({ title: "Value" }),
      distXScale: Scale.linear({ tickFormat: "#x" }),
f(t: [Date(2020), Date(2040)]) = {
  yearsPassed = toYears(t - Date(2020))
  normal({mean: yearsPassed ^ 2, stdev: yearsPassed^1.3+1})
import "hub:ozziegooen/sTest" as sTest
@name("💰 Expected Cost ($)")
flightCost = normal({ mean: 600, stdev: 100 })
@name("🥇 Expected Benefit ($)")
benefitEstimate = normal({ mean: 1500, stdev: 300 })
@name("📊 Net Benefit ($)")
netBenefit = benefitEstimate - flightCost
@name("🚦 Test Suite")
  "Test suite to validate various aspects of the flight cost and benefits model using sTest."
tests = sTest.describe(
  "Flight to London Test Suite",
    // Test for reasonable flight costs
      "Flight cost should be reasonable",
        meanValue = mean(flightCost)
        sTest.expect(meanValue).toBeBetween(300, 10k)